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Online training course: Works council elections: Standard procedure – Electoral board training (one-day course)

Works council elections are prepared and conducted by an electoral board. In the standard election procedure, there are numerous rules and deadlines to be observed. The success of the election depends on precise compliance with the procedural and formal requirements.

In our one-day online training course, members of the electoral board can prepare for their duties. The course focuses on the statutory provisions of the Works Constitution Act and the Electoral Code, as well as questions of practical implementation in the company.

After several years between elections, even “seasoned” electoral board members should brush up on their knowledge of recent labour court decisions and the provisions of the Works Constitution Act and the Electoral Code to avoid making mistakes.

Visit our special website for works council elections: www.verdi-bub.de/brwahl. There you will find the latest information, hints and tips, such as election regulations, a summary of court rulings, and answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Zielgruppe

    Works council members, Electoral board members
  • Freistellung

    Section 20 Article 3 Works Constitution Act

The electoral board in the standard election procedure (rights and obligations, protection of the election, costs of the election)
Basic terms and basic principles of works council elections (definitions of employees, establishment, enterprise)
Composition of the works council:

  • Eligible voters and eligible candidates
  • Number of works council members to be elected
  • Composition according to gender, organisational units and mode of employment (Section 15 Works Constitution Act)

Preparing for the election:

  • Deadlines
  • Election declaration
  • Submission of nomination lists
  • Organisational matters
  • Multiple lists or just one nomination list

Holding the election:

  • Electing the works council by secret and direct ballot
  • The voting process (election principles: Secret and direct ballot)
  • Postal voting

Follow-up to the election:

  • Procedure of counting the votes
  • Determining the elected candidates
  • Announcing the election result
  • Contesting the election according to Section 19 Works Constitution Act and voidness of the election
  • Invitation to the inaugural meeting

Hier den Themenplan als PDF downloaden.
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Termine finden
09.05.2025 Online-Veranstaltung | Internet weitere Infos | Anmeldung
30.09.2025 Online-Veranstaltung | Internet weitere Infos | Anmeldung
24.11.2025 Online-Veranstaltung | Internet weitere Infos | Anmeldung

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