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Online training course: Working time structure: The latest on working time recording

Recent case law and possible impact on participation rights

The issue of time tracking was the subject of intense debate long before the European Court of Justice (2019) and the German Federal Labour Court (2022) rulings. The rulings aim to ensure occupational health and safety, to strengthen pay equity, and to protect against excessive working hours. This is only possible if working time is properly tracked.

The employer is now obliged to set up a transparent, objective and reliable system for the technical recording of working time. But what exactly does this mean? What rights do works councils have with regard to time tracking and the choice of appropriate technology? Is there a right of initiative for the introduction of digital time tracking?

In this online training course, we will present current case law and shed light on the legal background. We will also highlight possible implications for works council practice and participation rights.

The training course at a glance:

  • Classification of the employers' duty to implement a reliable time recording system
  • Current case law on time recording
  • The current state of the legislative process
  • Health protection through working time monitoring
  • Impact on participation rights

  • Zielgruppe

    Works council members
  • Freistellung

    Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act

Classification of the employers' duty to implement a reliable time recording system
Current case law on time recording
The current state of the legislative process
Health protection through working time monitoring
Impact on participation rights

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We are happy to provide tailor-made (in-house) training courses on these topics for your company. Please contact us: info.berlin@verdi-bub.de

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