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Central works council – tasks, competencies, and the organisation of work

Basics and practice of work in the central works council

The role of the central works council often differs from that of the establishment’s works council. The political coordination processes between the central works council and individual works councils require particular attention, as does the information policy within the company as a whole.

It is often not clear from the outset whether an issue should be dealt with by the central works council or the individual works councils. Complex problems and projects need to be organised and dealt with in a structured way and demand the interaction of different company departments.

Every works council has been confronted with the phrase “That’s the first time I've heard that!” from management – but this happens even more frequently for central works councils. Therefore, informational work is enormously important for the success of a central works council since its role is to find a common denominator for competing interests within the company.

In this seminar, we will discuss different models for successful daily operation of the central works council, the tasks that await the new general works council member and the way this work can be organized despite the physical distance.

  • Zielgruppe

    Central works council members
  • Freistellung

    Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act

Overview: Basics according to the Works Constitution Act (WCA) (Sections 47 ff. WCA)
Conditions for establishing a central works council (differences between establishment, company, combine; inaugural meeting and delegation)
Agenda, invitation, voting, and resolutions
Conduct of business and chair – routine tasks
Procedural rules, venue, and travel arrangements
Training entitlements for central works council members
Establishment of a central works committee, its tasks, and role
Establishment of other (mandatory) committees, in particular the tasks and role of a finance committee
Other committees (occupational health and safety, training and education, etc.)
The specific role of the central works council: Setting up works councils in establishments without one
Works council meetings and the basics of public relations in the company
The central works council's responsibilities and its relationship with the other works councils
Project work
Company information channels (the public relations and information work of the central works council)
Central works agreements – possible content, implementation, etc.
Central works agreements and their "fate" in the event of changes to the company structure

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