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Online training course: How does this country work? The basics of German labour law

Workplace representatives are confronted with a variety of legal problems and tasks in their daily work. Participating in a representational body therefore requires basic knowledge of relevant legislation and the case law issued regarding it, as well as its application. However, it is often difficult to navigate and keep track of the multitude of laws and regulations.

This training course provides basic structural knowledge of the multi-layered labour law system and clarifies basic labour law terms. Furthermore, it provides an overview of both the legal bases for German labour law and the legal problems that may arise in connection with the initiation, establishment, con-tinuance, and termination of the employment relationship from an individual law perspective – taking into account the rights and obligations of both the employer and the employee during those stages.

The training course at a glance:

  • The basic concepts and legal sources of labour law
  • Overview of the legal bases for all stages of the employment relationship
  • Employer's obligations under the employment contract
  • Overview of legal options for terminating employment, as well as employee rights
  • Ensure that justice prevails: Labour Court and the basic features of procedural law
  • Recent case law and practical case handling

  • Zielgruppe

    Works council members
  • Freistellung

    Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act

The nature and function of labour law and its basic concepts and legal sources
Distinction between individual and collective labour law
Overview of the legal basis for the establishment of the employment relationship
Content of the ongoing employment relationship
Employer obligations under the employment contract (short introduction), e.g.

  • Salary payment
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Data protection

Employment termination and employee rights

  • Protection against dismissal (conditions, deadlines, etc)
  • Temporary employment relationships

Achieving justice: the labour court and basic features of procedural law
Recent case law and practical case studies

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Termine finden
19.05. – 21.05.2025 Online-Veranstaltung | Internet weitere Infos | Anmeldung
17.11. – 19.11.2025 Online-Veranstaltung | Internet weitere Infos | Anmeldung

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