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How to win through persuasion – turn conflict into negotiation!

How much energy do conflict and negotiation require? Are we trapped in discussion, or are we achieving our objectives?

Members of the works council should be able to stand their ground, stay calm and be confident!

The seminar will familiarise you with the basic rules of negotiation.

The training course at a glance:

  • Learn to prepare a clear and convincing strategy
  • Overcome conflict and pursue your goals with a constructive approach
  • Practice structuring and presenting your arguments

  • Zielgruppe

    Works council members
  • Teilnahmevoraussetzungen

    Attendance of the training course “Getting started ...”
  • Freistellung

    Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act

Prepare systematically as a team: define negotiation objectives and develop a strategy
Conduct negotiations: deal with objections, conflict and criticism
Negotiate with confidence: safeguard protected areas and create room for manoeuvre
Communication for collaboration: focus on interests, not positions
Be persuasive: present arguments effectively with tools for speech and presentation
Never give in to pressure: defend against unfair attacks and “killer phrases”
Gain respect: turn the dispute into a joint search for common interests
Stay calm, persistent and fair: recognise and reduce stress factors
Use questioning techniques to create space for options
Set up objective procedures: involve experts and mediators

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Termine finden
Termine finden
07.07. – 11.07.2025 Berlin | Berlin (Mitte) weitere Infos | Anmeldung

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