Act rather than react
Works Constitution Act: Social affairs (WoCo 3)
Our training seminar “Act rather than react” will provide you with basic knowledge about the works council’s co-determination rights. At the same time, it will use practical exercises to show you how the works council can best enact and enforce its rights in the workplace.
The works council cannot only react in important social matters, such as working hour regulations, holiday schedules, occupational health and safety, and company pay systems. It can also take the initiative and enforce works agreements for the employees’ benefit – and even impose them, if necessary.
This training seminar aims to enable you to take an active part in co-determination. Great importance is attached to the participants’ in-depth exchange of experiences.
The training course at a glance:
- The works council’s rights of initiative
- Co-determination rights and their limits
- Consultation with experts
- Concluding works agreements
- Conciliation committee: Useful knowledge about jurisdiction and procedures
15.09. – 19.09.2025
Beginn erster Seminartag: 10:00 Uhr
Ende letzter Seminartag: 15:00 Uhr -
10179 Berlin (Mitte), Novotel Berlin-Mitte -
1301-2509151 -
Works council members -
Attendance of the training course “Getting started …” -
Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act -
Section 40 Article 1 Works Constitution Act -
1.490,00 EUR
Hinzu kommen die Kosten der Tagungsstätte. -
Mit Übernachtung: 1.213,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Ohne Übernachtung: 425,00 EUR inkl. MwSt. -
ver.di-b+b-Büro Berlin-Brandenburg
Tel. 030 2840664-00 -
100,00 % unserer Teilnehmer*innen bewerten dieses Seminar mit „sehr gut/gut“.
Exchange of experiences regarding the work situation
Overview of the provisions on co-determination in the Works Constitution Act (German: Betriebsverfassungsgesetz, BetrVG)
Presentation of the limits of co-determination in companies and explanation of terms/definitions of, among other things:
- Precedence and proviso of collective agreements
- Opening clauses and principle of favourability
- Works council's right of initiative as a consequence of enforceable co-determination
Examples for exercising co-determination in social matters according to Section 87 Works Constitution Act (WCA), e.g.
- Rules of operation of the establishment
- Arrangements concerning working hours
- Technical (monitoring) devices
- Company pay systems
Systematic procedure in the co-determination process
Exercising co-determination and ways to enforce the works council’s rights
Information policy and cooperation with the employees
Works agreements as a result of co-determination:
- Conclusion of works agreements (Section 77 WCA)
- Form and content of works agreements
- Termination and after-effects of works agreements
- Relationship between collective agreements and works agreements
- Difference between enforceable and voluntary works agreements
- Regulatory agreements (definition; difference to works agreements)
Conciliation committee:
- Legal provisions (Sections 76, 76a WCA)
- Tasks of the conciliation committee, procedure for setting it up and principles of the conciliation proceedings (Section 76 WCA)
Principles of resolution procedures at labour court
Right to lodge complaints/grievances (Section 85 WCA)
Involvement of external experts (Section 80 Article 3 WCA)
Anmeldung zum Seminar
Act rather than react
Works Constitution Act: Social affairs (WoCo 3)
- Seminarnummer 1301-2509151
- Ort 10179 Berlin (Mitte), Novotel Berlin-Mitte
- Termin 15.09. – 19.09.2025
© ver.di Bildung + Beratung Gem. GmbH