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Getting started ... isn't that difficult

Works Constitution Act: Introduction (WoCo 1)

In order to represent the interests of employees consistently and effectively, the works council must be clear about its tasks and duties and be aware of the legal options available. The appropriate tool for accomplishing this task is the Works Constitution Act (WCA). As the most important legal framework for the works council's rights and duties, it provides the basis for it to handle its many tasks, and enables its scope for action.

In this training seminar, you will study the essential legal basis for your work and apply it to real-life scenarios. You will also acquire the knowledge and skills for practical implementation of your tasks and plans. After all, you should not only know the relevant legal provisions but also be able to apply them in order to properly represent the interests of your co-workers. This way, existing problems can be solved and working conditions can be shaped for the better.

This training seminar’s special focus is on the Works Constitution Act and how to apply it in your day-to-day work as a works council member. The goal is to help you quickly find your footing in your new role!

The training course at a glance:

  • The classification of the Works Constitution Act within the German legal system
  • General works council duties (Section 80 WCA)
  • Decision-making and code of conduct for the works council
  • Works council activities: The most important laws and commentary
  • The correct usage of legal commentary
  • Ranking and structure of legal sources
  • Tips on how to gather and provide information
  • The scope of the works council’s participation rights and possible ways to enforce them

  • Termin

    06.10. – 10.10.2025
    Beginn erster Seminartag: 10:00 Uhr
    Ende letzter Seminartag: 15:00 Uhr
  • Ort

    10779 Berlin (Prager Platz), HYPERION Hotel Berlin
  • Seminarnummer

  • Teilnehmendenkreis

    Works council members
  • Teilnahmevoraussetzungen

    This training course is the first one of the basic qualification series.
  • Freistellung

    Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act
  • Kostenübernahme

    Section 40 Article 1 Works Constitution Act
  • Seminargebühr

    1.490,00 EUR
    Hinzu kommen die Kosten der Tagungsstätte.
  • Tagungsstättenkosten

    Mit Übernachtung: 1.258,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.
    Ohne Übernachtung: 522,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.
  • Kontakt

    ver.di-b+b-Büro Berlin-Brandenburg
    Tel. 030 2840664-00
  • Bewertung

    (129 Bewertungen)
    97,16 % unserer Teilnehmer*innen bewerten dieses Seminar mit „sehr gut/gut“.

Brief description of the historical development of the Works Constitution Act (German: Betriebsverfassungsgesetz, BetrVG) and co-determination
Classification of the Works Constitution ACT (WCA) in the German legal system
Sources of labour law (classification of rules)
Dealing with laws and commentaries
Definition and meaning of legal terms in the WCA
Role and position of the works council
General duties of the works council according to Section 80 WCA
Employer's obligation to inform the works council according to the WCA
Conduct of business of the works council, including:

  • Form and content of invitations to meetings
  • Requirements to the agenda
  • Decision-making of the works council

Release from work duties and necessity of the works council’s work according to Section 37 Article 2 WCA
Overview: Strength and scope of the works council’s rights to participation according to the WCA
Ways of enforcing the works council’s rights (conciliation committee, labour court)
Information policy of the works council towards the employees:

  • Consultation hours
  • Works meeting (assembly)
  • Ways and possibilities of public relations work

Cooperation of the works council with internal and external players (e.g. trade unions, experts, other works council bodies, etc.)

Hier den Themenplan als PDF downloaden.

Anmeldung zum Seminar

Getting started ... isn't that difficult

Works Constitution Act: Introduction (WoCo 1)

  • Seminarnummer 1301-2510061
  • Ort 10779 Berlin (Prager Platz), HYPERION Hotel Berlin
  • Termin 06.10. – 10.10.2025


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