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People first!

Works Constitution Act: Staff policy (WoCo 2)

The strictly practice-oriented training seminar “People first!” provides you with the necessary knowledge to handle staff policy matters in the best possible way and to the benefit of the employees.

“Staff policy” is the general term for an area of labour law that is often highly emotionally charged for those involved. Recruitment, transfer, wage grouping and dismissal – these are decisions that usually have a lasting impact on individual employees.

In all these cases, the works council is needed. No dismissal or recruitment can happen without the works council, and no transfer or wage grouping should proceed without its participation! To avert possible harm to the employees, every member of the works council must be familiar with the basic provisions of the Works Constitution Act regarding staff policy.

In this training seminar, you will learn these basics in a concise and practical way.

The training course at a glance:

  • Legal provisions for staff matters
  • Recruitment, wage grouping, transfer
  • The works council’s enforcement options
  • Dismissals: The works council’s participation rights
  • Extraordinary dismissal in special cases
  • Principles of staff planning

  • Termin

    10.11. – 14.11.2025
    Beginn erster Seminartag: 10:00 Uhr
    Ende letzter Seminartag: 15:00 Uhr
  • Ort

    10179 Berlin (Köpenicker Str.), Catalonia Berlin (Mitte)
  • Seminarnummer

  • Teilnehmendenkreis

    Works council members
  • Teilnahmevoraussetzungen

    Attendance of the training course “Getting started ...”
  • Freistellung

    Section 37 Article 6 Works Constitution Act
  • Kostenübernahme

    Section 40 Article 1 Works Constitution Act
  • Seminargebühr

    1.490,00 EUR
    Hinzu kommen die Kosten der Tagungsstätte.
  • Tagungsstättenkosten

    Mit Übernachtung: 1.045,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.
    Ohne Übernachtung: 361,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.
  • Kontakt

    ver.di-b+b-Büro Berlin-Brandenburg
    Tel. 030 2840664-00
  • Bewertung

    (40 Bewertungen)
    99,51 % unserer Teilnehmer*innen bewerten dieses Seminar mit „sehr gut/gut“.

General staff policy: Overview of legal norms and their significance for the workplace
Participants' experiences with staff policy
Classification of staff policy in the overall context of the Works Constitution Act (German: Betriebsverfassungsgesetz, BetrVG)
Individual staff measures in the Works Constitution Act (WCA), including:

  • Overview of the legal provisions in the WCA
  • Procedures and time limits
  • Definition of recruitment, transfer, grading (Section 99 WCA)
  • Temporary staff measures (Section 100 WCA)
  • Enforcement options for the works council (Section 101 WCA)
  • Legal consequences of the works council’s involvement under collective law for the individual employee

Participation of the works council in case of dismissals, including:

  • Introductory presentation: Basics of employment relationships under individual employment law, ways of terminating employment and reasons for dismissal
  • Participation of the works council in case of ordinary and extraordinary dismissals as well as notices to alter the employment contract
  • Procedures and time limits
  • Legal consequences of the works council’s involvement under collective law for the individual employee
  • The works council’s right to object to dismissals (Section 102 WCA)

Examples and exercises on how to implement the works council's right to participation in staff policy
Participation rights of the works council and components of manpower planning
Staff development measures as part of manpower planning, using the example of vocational training: Overview of the legal provisions in the WCA, their operational significance and the rights of the works council

Hier den Themenplan als PDF downloaden.

Anmeldung zum Seminar

People first!

Works Constitution Act: Staff policy (WoCo 2)

  • Seminarnummer 1301-2511101
  • Ort 10179 Berlin (Köpenicker Str.), Catalonia Berlin (Mitte)
  • Termin 10.11. – 14.11.2025


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